Processing Status
Enrollment Management Waitlist Status
Did We Get Your Mail or Fax?
Documents from Mail, Fax, and Drop-box received on or before 01/15/2025 have been entered to the appropriate family or provider record.
Processing Status
- Applications – We are working on Applications received 01/02/2025 – 01/06/2025
- Applications received after 09/15/2024 may be placed on our Waitlist.
- Applications invited from the Waitlist – We are currently processing applications received through 11/24/2024 for families who are working and have been invited from the waitlist.
- Redeterminations – We are working on Redeterminations with a renewal expiration date of 01/31/2025
- Supporting Documents -We are working on Supporting Documents received 01/02/2025 – 01/06/2025
Invoice Processing Status
- December invoices will be available on 01/01/2025
- Invoices received on 01/15/2025 are currently being processed.
- Invoices received on or before 01/14/2025 have been processed and were paid on 01/17/2025
Provider Orientation and CDA Stipend Payment Status
- Stipend Payments will be processed on 01/17/2025 for all active Care 4 Kids providers who attended the Provider Orientation in December. Payments will be in the amount of $75.
Information updated on 01/16/2025.