Links and Resources
Clicking on any of these links will open the site in a new browser window.
- Available at no charge to help parents find child care and answer all child care related questions. 2-1-1 Child Care maintains a list of state-licensed child care facilities in Connecticut.
- Parents can call: 1-800-505-1000
- 8 am – 5 pm Monday-Friday
- 2-1-1 Child Care is a telephone and referral resource for all human service needs that is funded by the State of Connecticut and United Way.
Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
- State agency that is responsible for the Care 4 Kids program.
- 1-844-365-5328
Division of Child Care Licensing
- State agency that licenses day care homes and day care centers.
- 1-800-282-6063
Department of Social Services – Bureau of Child Support Enforcement (BCSE)
- State agency that is responsible for Connecticut’s Child Support Enforcement program. It helps families get financial support from absent parents.
- Contact your local DSS regional office for more information.
- 1-800-228-5437
- Provide parents support with information and services in child development.