What is Care 4 Kids?

Working togetherThe goal of the Care 4 Kids program is to make child care affordable for low to moderate income families in Connecticut. The program is a partnership between the State of Connecticut, the families in the program and the providers who take care of the children.

To participate in the program, there are certain eligibility requirements for parents, children and child care providers.

Families must:

  • live in Connecticut;
  • be working or attending a temporary family cash assistance (Jobs First) approved education/training activity; GED/high school equivalency, or enrolled in undergraduate studies (associate’s or bachelor’s degree); and
  • meet the program’s income requirements.

Children must:

  • live in Connecticut; and
  • be under age 13, or if the child has special needs, be under age 19.

Providers must:

  • be licensed by the CT Office of Early Childhood (unless exempt from licensing); or
  • be a close relative; grandparent/great grandparent, aunt/uncle, and sibling (a sibling living outside of the child’s home)

Click here to find out if you might be eligible for Care 4 Kids.

Here’s how Care 4 Kids works:

Families apply to Care 4 Kids by filling out and returning an Application Form and a Parent-Provider Agreement Form (called a PPA). The PPA is an agreement between the family and the child care provider which describes the child care arrangements.

Am I eligible?
Click here to use the quick and easy eligibility screening tool

Click here to see or print a Care 4 Kids Application Form

and a Parent Provider Agreement Form (PPA)

Care 4 Kids reviews the Application and requests verification if needed.

When Care 4 Kids takes action on the Application, a letter will be sent to the family and to the child care provider.

When the Application is granted Care 4 Kids sends the parent and the child care provider a Child Care Certificate. This certificate authorizes payment for child care services for a specific period of time up to twelve months.

Click here to find out more about Family Eligibility.

Once a month, Care 4 Kids sends the provider an Invoice to review and complete.  After the Invoice is returned and processed, the program issues an electronic payment and a Remittance Advice Notice.  The family is responsible for paying the Family Fee to the provider and any additional charges not covered by Care 4 Kids.

Every twelve months, each family’s eligibility for Care 4 Kids is reviewed. This is called a Redetermination.  The family is sent a form to complete and return. After review and approval, the parent and provider are sent a new Child Care Certificate.

Click here to see or print a Care 4 Kids Redetermination Form

A family can continue to use Care 4 Kids as long as both the family and the provider meet the program requirements.