Provider Information

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Who can be a Care 4 Kids child care provider?

Families choose the child care provider they want for their children.  Care 4 Kids can help pay for care arrangements that meet the CT Office of Early Childhood (OEC) licensing requirements.  For example:

  • Licensed Day Care Centers, Group Day Care Homes and Family Day Care Homes
  • Public or private school-based programs which are administered by the school and pass a health and safety inspection by the Office of Early Childhood Licensing Program.
  • Municipal or town programs located in a school building which are administered by the municipality and pass health and safety inspection by the Office of Early Childhood Licensing Program.
  • Care provided by a close relative in the child’s home or in the close relative’s home.  A close relative is defined as: grandparent/great grandparent, aunt/uncle, and sibling (only a sibling living outside of the child’s home).

All unlicensed Care 4 Kids providers must complete the DCF Authorization for Release of Information Form.  This form is used by DCF to complete a background check for unlicensed providers.  Submission of this form is an eligibility requirement of the Care 4 Kids program and must be returned to Care 4 Kids.

There are some limits on who can be a child care provider in Care 4 Kids.  The following people cannot be paid as a provider:

  • a parent of the child needing care;
  • a spouse of the child’s parent;
  • a sister or brother of the child needing care who is living in the child’s home; or
  • a parent of a minor parent.

If you have questions regarding specific family situations, call Care 4 Kids at 1-888-214-5437

All Care 4 Kids unlicensed providers are subject to child abuse/neglect and criminal background checks.  If the results of the background check confirm a crime on the crimes list or has a violation of a health and safety standard, which makes a provider ineligible for Care 4 Kids payment, the provider will be required to repay benefits issued.  For a complete crime list click here List of Crimes

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Who should complete the DCF (Department of Children and Families) Authorization for Release of Information Form?

All unlicensed Care 4 Kids providers must complete the DCF Authorization for Release of Information Form online from the Care 4 Kids website.  This form is used by DCF to complete a background check for unlicensed providers.  Submission of this form is an eligibility requirement of the Care 4 Kids program and must be completed online at

How do unlicensed Care 4 Kids providers complete the DCF Authorization for Release of Information Form?

The DCF Authorization for Release of Information form must be completed online from the Care 4 Kids website.  The unlicensed provider must complete all sections of the form.  The last section of the form asks to list the name and social security number of any children that ever lived with the unlicensed provider.  However, if no children ever lived with the unlicensed provider, please enter ‘N/A’ for none. Disclosure of the children’s social security number is optional.  Click here to complete the DCF Authorization for Release of Information form.

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How much will I receive from Care 4 Kids?

The amount Care 4 Kids pays is decided at the time the certificate is created.  A number of different factors are used to determine the payment rate and the Family Fee.

For the family, Care 4 Kids looks at:

  • the parents’ work or training schedule;
  • the age of the child;
  • the hours of care the child needs;
  • if the child has special needs; and
  • the family’s countable income.

Then, before figuring out the payment amount, Care 4 Kids also identifies:

  • where the provider is located in the state;
  • the type of provider; and
  • if the provider is accredited.

Families in Care 4 Kids are sent a separate Child Care Certificate for each child in the family who is eligible for payment.  The child care provider is also sent a copy of the Certificate.

Sample Child Care Certificate

The Child Care Certificate covers a specific period of time, up to twelve months.  However, if there are any changes made in the family schedule or the child care arrangements (change in hours, for instance), parents and providers need to call Care 4 Kids, 1-888-214-5437, to report these changes.  A new Child Care Certificate will then be issued that shows these changes, as long as the child remains eligible for payment.

Working families in Care 4 Kids are required to pay a Family Fee.  This fee is set by the program and is listed on the Child Care Certificate.  Also, Care 4 Kids may not cover all of the provider’s charges for child care.  The family is responsible for the Family Fee and all child care charges not covered by the program. In both of these cases, the parent pays the provider directly for these charges.

Click here to see the Care 4 Kids Payment Rates.

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How will I get paid?

Every month child care providers receive a Care 4 Kids electronic invoice.  The invoice lists the name of each child and the amount of care covered.  To process payment, the provider must review and submit the invoice by the due date indicated.

Sample electronic invoice – View an Electronic Invoice Sample

Care 4 Kids will process the completed invoice and issue an electronic payment within 15 days.  The program will also issue an electronic Payment Summary that explains the payment amount.

Sample Provider Electronic Payment Summary

For answers to questions about payment, call 1-888-214-5437.
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How do I become a licensed child care provider?

The State of Connecticut’s Office of Early Childhood (OEC) licenses child care providers.  There are a number of different categories for providers, including:

  • Family Day Care Home
  • Group Day Care Home
  • Day Care Center

To get more information on licensing call the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) at 1-800-282-6063, or 860 509-8045 in the Greater Hartford area.

Providers who are accredited can receive higher payment.  Care 4 Kids recognizes accreditation from the following national organizations:

  • National Assoc. for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
  • Council on Accreditation (COA)
  • New England Assoc. of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
  • National Assoc. for Family Child Care (NAFCC)

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How do I contact Care 4 Kids?

It’s easy to get help and the answers to all your questions.  You can call 1-888-214-5437 and talk with a Care 4 Kids representative from 8 am – 5 pm Monday-Friday, or from 8 am – 6 pm on Thursday.

You can also contact the Care 4 Kids program with general questions through this website, click here to send a Message.
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Information on my electronic invoice

Every month you will receive an electronic invoice from Care 4 Kids.  The invoice must be reviewed and submitted by the due date listed on the invoice.  Care 4 Kids will process your completed invoice and issue an electronic payment within 15 days.  Care 4 Kids will not pay invoices received after the invoice due date. 

The electronic invoice lists the information we have for each child enrolled in your care during the service month:

  • Certificate Details – details some of the information from your child care certificate such as: the family identification number, approved level of care, certificate start and end date, the total approved hours per month based on the parent’s activity and the child care schedule, the total approved days per month based on the parent’s activity and your monthly charge.
  • Still in Care – the invoice automatically indicates Yes, child is still in care.  If the child is no longer in your care or never attended, click on Edit on your electronic invoice to make changes.
  • Actual Days – the number of days approved for the month.  If you need to change the number of actual days attended, click on Edit on your electronic invoice.
  • Actual Charge –  the charge you reported on the latest Parent Provider Agreement form.  If you need to change the actual charge, click on Edit on your electronic invoice.
  • Additional Hours –  if the child attended more hours than scheduled for the month, click on Edit on your electronic invoice and enter the number of additional hours the child attended your care for the month.  If you charged the parent for the additional hours, enter the total charges for the additional hours for the month.  The parent is responsible for the first 20 additional hours. Verification may be required.

Electronic Invoice Sample – View an Electronic Invoice Sample

Frequently Asked Questions – Electronic Invoicing – FAQ’s   Spanish Electronic Invoicing -FAQ’s

The electronic invoice is available online through the existing Care 4 Kids provider portal.  To access the portal click on Portal Login at the top right corner of the page.
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What Does Child Attendance mean in my invoice?

You are required to keep accurate attendance records for each child in your care, and to maintain the records on-site for at least one year.  Your monthly Care 4 Kids invoice asks you to approve the actual number of days each child attended your child care program.  Failure to report correct information on your invoice may result in payment errors and lead to the collection of overpayments.

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What is a Payment Summary?

The summary explains the payment amount for each child.  If a payment is not correct, you may request an adjustment within 30 days of the receipt of the payment.  Please contact Care 4 Kids if you think your payment is not correct.

Click here to see a Sample Electronic Payment Summary

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Information on IRS forms

Before you began receiving payments from Care 4 Kids you were required to complete an IRS W-9 Form for federal tax purposes.  Every January, Care 4 Kids issues a 1099 Miscellaneous Form that reports the amount paid to you during the previous year.  It is your responsibility to report this income to the IRS. Please notify Care 4 Kids if your business name or tax identification number has changed

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Up to Date Payment Information

Care 4 Kids can now provide automated payment information for your last five payments by calling 1-888-214-5437 and selecting the provider option to access the automated payment information line.  You will need your Care 4 Kids provider Identification Number (ID) and your Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access your payment information.  Your PIN number is the last four digits or your social security number or Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN).

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