2014 Questions and Answers
Office of Early Childhood
Q 1. What is the Office of Early Childhood?
A . Connecticut?s Office of Early Childhood was created so all programs serving young children and their families could work together in one system. Care 4 Kids is now part of the Office of Early Childhood and no longer administered by The Department of Social Services.
Union Membership and Dues
Q 2. What is CSEA/SEIU Local 2001?
A. CSEA/SEIU Local 2001 is a labor union that represents the interests of family child care providers under the Care 4 Kids program. Family child care providers voted overwhelmingly for the Union in 2011 and negotiated their first contract with the State in 2014. The contract can be found here www.ctchildcare.org For more information call 860-951-6614.
Payment Rate Increases
Q 3. Will all providers be entitled to the increased rates?
A. Yes, rate increases are for all home based, center based and recreation providers that participate in the Care 4 Kids program. Please see below for timelines.
Q 4. When are the new rates Effective?
A. Home based providers (licensed and unlicensed) effective date for the increased rates is January 1, 2014. Center based programs and recreational programs (summer camps) effective date for the increased rates is July 1, 2014. Continue to check the website for updates.
Q 5. What are the new rates and 2002 rate tables?
A. Click here to see the 2014 C4K Rates? ? ? ?? Click here to view the 2002 rate table
Q 6. When will I (my provider) receive the new higher payment rate?
A. Computer system changes are necessary to increase rates in your monthly payments. Until the computer system changes are complete, Care 4 Kids will issue a separate (retroactive) payment for the difference from the old to the new rate. The retroactive payments for the increases will begin later this year.
Q 7. How will I (my provider) receive my retroactive Rate Increase?
A. Your retroactive payment increase will be issued using the current payment method you have on file. Continue to check the Care 4 Kids website for updates and more details. 08/15/2014 Mandatory Provider Orientation Sessions
Q 8. What are Provider Orientation Sessions?
A. Provider Orientations are new mandatory trainings for all home based Care 4 Kids providers (licensed and unlicensed). These trainings will focus on health and safety, child development, Care 4 Kids procedures, and CSEA-SEIU information. For new providers, beginning October 1, 2014 attendance at an orientation session must be completed prior to becoming eligible for Care 4 Kids payments. Existing Care 4 Kids home based providers will be required to attend an orientation session by December 2015 to remain an eligible. For more information or to register for a session visit the Provider Orientation Page